Any suggestions on getting data from TM1 into CEP?
Can TM1 be set up as a Cognos Package, so that I can set up a CEP link to access the data directly?
Any other ideas on getting data from TM1 into CEP? CEP skills good, TM1 skills poor, so given a choice, I'd rather do most of the work in CEP.
Since TM1 can be a data source for BI, so long as you have the right bits and pieces (always a challenge I think with Cognos) you should be able to pull it through. But, depending on how live you want the link, it might be faster and simpler to dump data from TM1 into a flat file, using Cube\Export as Ascii Data, or via TI, then read it in directly to CEP.
I'd be interested, too, to hear how the strategy to use both TM1 and CEP was put together.