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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS Connection => Topic started by: cognosjon on 27 Jul 2011 03:08:33 AM

Title: Cognos Connection - Analysis Studio Link not functioning
Post by: cognosjon on 27 Jul 2011 03:08:33 AM
Morning All,

A colleague of mine has put both Business Planning and BI (8.4 fp1) onto the same box.
Since then when we attempt to open Analysis studio it allows us to select a package but then presents the standard browser 'Page not found' message.

All other studios function as expected.
Before the introduction of Business Planning we had no issues.
Has anyone else come across this and figured it out?


Title: Re: Cognos Connection - Analysis Studio Link not functioning
Post by: SomeClown on 27 Jul 2011 06:51:28 AM
what was the install order?  If it wasn't last, may want to reinstall BI FP1 onto the server.  Sometimes that clears up issues.
Title: Re: Cognos Connection - Analysis Studio Link not functioning
Post by: cognosjon on 27 Jul 2011 08:59:46 AM
BI then Planning was the order.
Have thought about trying a refresh over the top but seems a little odd and I'd like to investigate the root cause first.

I've submitted a SR with IBM as well so hopefully they may be able to shed some light.

I'll update with any info I get.

Title: Re: Cognos Connection - Analysis Studio Link not functioning
Post by: MFGF on 27 Jul 2011 09:04:05 AM
You probably just need to reapply the FP1 install. If you installed Planning after FP1, you may have overwritten some of the files from FP1 with older versions.


Title: Re: Cognos Connection - Analysis Studio Link not functioning
Post by: cognosjon on 27 Jul 2011 09:26:10 AM
I'll give it a go.. ;)
Title: Re: Cognos Connection - Analysis Studio Link not functioning
Post by: cognosjon on 27 Jul 2011 09:36:58 AM
Nope no change unfortunately.

Very odd.
think I may pass this one onto the chap who's server it is and has had made recent changes to it......