Is it posible to create dynamic column set in list. I need to display all level members as columns in list.
Can anyone help me.
Hi Kindness
Yes.we can Create Dynamic Columns in list
Can you tell me how to do that?
Hi Kindness
what is your Exact Requirement.where you would to Create Dynamic Column.if you will share with us..it will be help full to get the best Suggestions
i have two dimensions: Questions and Organizations. and one fact table with textual responses.
fct (
question id
org id
Last Edited dt
Last Edited by
So, I need to create report, which look like somehow like this.
| org 1 | ... | org n |
Last Edited| Last Edited | ... | Last Edited |
dt | dt 1 1 | ... | dt 1 n |
Last Edited| Last Edited | ... | Last Edited |
by | by 1 1 | ... | by 1 n |
question 1 | response 11 | ... | response n1 |
question n | response 1n | ... | response nn |
I can't use crosstab becouse it doesn't display a textual measures. List displays textual measures, but i don't know how to display organizations from dimension as columns in list.
so if it posible to create dymanic column set in list, please, tell me! I will very thankful. :)