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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: Sarayucog on 26 Jul 2011 07:31:43 AM

Title: Top 10 records order issue
Post by: Sarayucog on 26 Jul 2011 07:31:43 AM
Hi All,

I have report with list and chart objects and are assigned to same query. In this I want to find out the top 10 records by using running-count() function and I am getting too.

Here my problem is I am finding top 10 records and sorting based on Revenue. If  we have same revenue for 3 records these records are not in the order in chart as in list.

For Ex: I have list columns like below.

Prod ID   Prod Name   Revenue
1                    A               173
2                    B               115
3                    C               150
4                    D               200
5                    E               100
6                    F               100
7                    G               100
8                    H               130
9                    I                300
10                  J                400

Actually the above order is correct and I am getting in list report, but same order is not displaying in the chart report. The 3 records which are having Revenue 100 are changing the order in the Chart.

Anyone if you have any idea to resolve this issue please let me know. Your help will be appriciated.
