So, I have a value prompt with use values of 0, 1 and 2. I need to apply a particular slicer expression if that value prompt has 0 or 1, and not apply it when it is 2. I tried the following as a slicer expression:
((?Prompt? = 0 OR ?Prompt? = 1) AND <SlicerMemberSetExpression>) OR (1=1)
I get the following error:
QuoteOPR-ER-0025 The following OLAPPlanner internal error occurred: 'OPASSERT(OQP_DYNAMIC_CAST(OPExpressionConditionPtr,pOPItem2->GetExpr())) in OPQueryItemGenerator::SearchInitialItemExpression at OLAPPlannerOLAPTransformations.cpp:256'.
Thanks to all who reply.
HELP! PaulM?
I even tried the following but got the same error.
((?Prompt? = 0 OR ?Prompt? = 1) AND <SlicerMemberSetExpression>) OR (<SlicerMemberSetExpression2>)
Why not change the 0, 1, 2 to the MUNs of the members you want to slice by?
Quote from: PaulM on 27 Jul 2011 01:34:05 PM
Why not change the 0, 1, 2 to the MUNs of the members you want to slice by?
Because they're dynamic sets, not single categories. :)
a slicer can only be a member or a set, and there can't be an or clause.
so that being a said, a few questions:
This is a true OLAP cube, right?
if the values are always going to be 1 or 2 or 3 you might be able to do somehing like: