I have a Search and Select prompt control. It give the following options:
(1) Starts with any of these keywords
(2) Starts with the first keyword, and contains all of the remaining keywords
(3) Contains any of these keywords
(4) Contains all of these keywords.
If i search for BBNPAFR i want to find only BBNPAFR and not other similar entries like BBNPAFR1 or BBNPAFR100 or BBNPAFR300. I cant seem to find the correct option to limit the selections to exactlt what i type in. How do i limit these?
The SS is sort of like a * search...it will bring back phrases which contain the keywords you're putting in but if your data has very similar looking dim data then your issue is unavoidable, IMO.
I highly doubt you can do what you want to without changing the underlying system level scripts that generate the SS prompt. Or you may have to code your own JS that changes the behavior of the prompt but it is going to be a mighty task to try and change the way the SS behaves. I have seen scripts that defaults to one of the 4 options or resizes the SS etc. but never seen something that actually changes the behavior to make it work like the way you want it to