Hi All,
Here is my requirement.
I have 3 charts and one crosstab in one page.
I want the output to be like
i want four tabs on the top . Clicking on each tab should display my respective charts and lists.
How can i achieve this. can somebody please help me?
I have seen some youtube videos , where in only one chart or list with tabs present.
please brief me about the steps?
Thanks in advance.
You can achieve as many number of tabs as you want by dragging a "Tab Control "object from the Insertable Objects Pane.By default three tabs can be seen.Then you can associate list/crosstab with each of the tabs as per your requirements.You can also add a new tab by clicking on the New tab icon.
But prior to beginning with the active report you need to go to the File Menu at the top and click on "Convert to Active Report".This lets you view the associated controls with the Active Reports.
Please let me know if you need any further information regarding the same.
Thanks and regards
Hi Prema,
Thanks a lot for the reply.
I want to create a new active report where in in output i want to display the buttons at the top and clicking on the buttons should display my charts or lists.
I have tried the same way like how you have told by dragging the tab control object but how do i associate multiple charts, maps and lists to the Tab. Please brief me.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Prema,
Thanks i got it and was able to achieve the requirement.
Could you please tell me how do i increase the width of the tab.? if any idea..
Also please tell me about the deck properties control in active reports and how can we use it?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Prema,
I am all clear about the "Tab Control" now.
Could you please let me know how to use "deck" control in active reports?
I want to use list along with the deck.
Here is my requirement
I have 2 measures(TRx & NRx) and one dimension (Product).
Using the deck i want to show the output to be when i select TRx i should get a list with Product & TRx and when i select NRx i should get NRx and product.
Please help.
Thanks in advance.