Hello everyone,
i am trying to run a sample report 'Historical Revenue' in 'Sales and Marketing (cube)' but getting the error message 'QFS-ERR-0117 The data source type was not specified'.
I arleady test the connection it is working.
Any idea why this message is coming?
Best Regards
I'll admit - I've never seen that error before and I can't even find it on the IBM site.
It looks like a problem with the data source. Go to the data source connection page, and make sure that the data source for the sales and marketing cube is there. The data source name must be sales_and_marketing for the sample reports to work. Test it, there might be a problem with the settings.
Hello Paul,
Thanks for your reply.
I have solved this issue. The problem was i defined 'oracle' as data source type when created the data source 'sales_and_marketing'. After changing it to 'IBM Cognos PowerCube' and giving 'Windows Path' for cube location, it is working fine.
Best Regards