I have a report having list. Inside it I have 4 cross tabs. All 4 cross tabs sharing a common query. One data item is different for all 4 cross tabs.
The Generated query is taking 3 minutes at db level to run so the report is taking 4 * 3 =12 minutes to show the result.
Can any body suggest how to reduce it?
If you are on Cognos 8.2 or newer, you can configure your environment to allow Concurrent Query processing, and then set the report Queries to run concurrently rather than sequentially (default).
There is an KB article about this and how to set it up on IBM's site.
Thanks a lot Rockeytopmark.
It's already been set as Concurrent query execution. I am working on cognos 8.2 only.
Any help really helpful....
I have seen in net that if we have many lists uisng same query having difference of one column. we can select each list and go properties and select the other column which are not used in this present list and using in other lists.
suppose we have query contians A,B,C,D columns
list1 using A, B columns,
list2 using A, C columns,
list3 using A,D columns
now to improve performance, select list1 and in properties, we have Proeprty there we have to select C,D columns. similary for list2 select B,D and for list3 select B,C
then only query will be executed instead of three seperate queires for each list.
is there any way like this for Cross tabs as well.... I am uisng Dimensional modelling here.