hello, did anybody encounter any reconciliation failures with node action result 9? how were you able to resolve the issues?
thanks in advance,
Hey jsist1,
I've seen this condition a handful of times. I have a couple of questions to start:
1. What version of planning are you using?
2. What was the purpose of this reconcile? GTP following sync, data load, etc?
3. What were your steps leading up to the reconcile being run and the failure?
Back to the question of cut-down.
Cut Down always happens, the Cut-Down models setting simply dictates whether the cutdown happens server side and the models get stored in the database for run-time use. If Cut-Down is off the client downloads the full models defintion and runs the cutdown itself client side. The setting for review items is a half-way house so the work is shared.
Cut Down reduces the data going over the Network and also when the feature was introduced server machines were more capable of performing these memory intensive operations that client desktops. Nowadays networks are faster and client machines typically have fast processors and lots of RAM, so the cost of storing the model definition in the database and the time of running the jobs can outway the client performance improvement.
BTW, only the last three copies of the cut-down models should be stored (in order to support rollback and reconcile against old models when a user has been off-line).
In version 10.1, Cut Down is gone! It is replaced by the concept of access blocks, which ensures that all apps are always optimised for run-time performance and you do not have any server side or storage costs. Try it, the results I have seen so far have been fantastic.