Not sure how to put this in the Subject title ...
Report will have 3 prompts (Location, Date Range, Sales). Model is DMR. Run the report, the results look like this:
Report #1:
Location Date Sales (M)
ABC 12-01-2010 $10
XYT 20-01-2010 $22
The Location to have a hyperlink to drill through to Report #2 on the same page. Click on the 'ABC' location, the following will be displayed bottom of the above result. There is no direct hierarchy relation between 'ABC' and 'ABC-yy' so I can't drill down (eventhough model is DMR).
Can this be done - that is drill through with Report #2 in the same page? If technically it cannot, then is it possible to make Report #1 with an radio button --- 'like a prompt page' and select the radio button to display Report #2.
Please if anyone knows and appreciate your help and input.
Report #2:
Location Date Sales (M)
ABC-yy 12-01-2010 $4
ABC-xx 12-01-2010 $4
ABC-uu 12-01-2010 $2
I recall doing something very similar a long, long time ago in ReportNet, but the basic approach should still be valid.
Add a second list onto the page below your first list with an optional parameter filter for location. Conditionally hide this list if the parameter is null. Then save the report and add a drillthrough definition from the Location column in the first list back to the same report, passing the required parameter value for the second list. Make sure you save the report again before testing it :-)
Best regards,
Thank you MF - it works :D