I have a cube already published, an a lot of report using this published powercube.
Then I, in some way, modified the package of the cube, and modified the cube, adding new measures. Then, when i try to publish again, i have no access to the powercube publishing wizard, and using actual parameters launch an error TR0163.
How I can to solve this?
Thanks for read.
A hit!! Restore cognos Content Store Database!!!
But, Still have a problem, when i try to publish again
the new package, it will happens same situation.
So still looking for a complete solution without restore
the content store database.
Hi there
As of 8.4 Cognos allowed cubes to be directly published to Cognos Connection. THere is a new setting in Transformer that allows the cube to be deployed to Cognos
Prior to this you needed to use a Cognos utility called cubeswap.
Under the properties of the cube in the Transformer model, select the deployment tab and set this option to deploy the package to Cognos Connection
Cube Property Sheet, Deployment Tab
This section provides information about the Deployment tab.
Deployment strategy
The following PowerCube deployment options are available:
Option Comments
Copy only if all locations are available, then activate
If one or more of the deployment locations are unavailable, the deployment action is aborted for all specified locations.
Copy to available locations, then activate
If one or more locations specified in the Deployment locations box is not available, the PowerCube does not deploy to these locations. However, the PowerCube does deploy to all available locations.
Do not deploy
Specifies that deployment is not enabled for the PowerCube.
After building the cube
After a PowerCube build, you can specify the following options:
Options Description
No action
Specifies that the PowerCube is not deployed.
Prompt to copy and activate
Prompts you before the cube is copied to the deploy locations and activated.
Automatically copy and activate
Automatically copies the PowerCube to the deploy locations and activates the cubes.
Deployment locations
Use the Deployment locations, to add, remove, and modify the deployment locations for a PowerCube.
Automatic deletion of old PoweCubes
Use this option to manage older versions of the PowerCube in the deploy locations.
Enable automatic PowerCube deletion
Use this option to specify whether older versions of a PowerCube are automatically deleted.
Maximum number of old cubes to keep
Specifies the number of older versions of the PoweCube in the deployment location to retain.
Hope this helps