Just wondering.....
Do any of you change the way your reports look from standard to create at personalised/company feel about them? I want to create a standard look across the board and was just wondering if any of you had examples to help me with my limted design capabilites.
I generally will make a template that mimics the company letterhead.
As an example -
Top (Header) - Company logo in the top left, name under it, address/contact info as well. Top right is the division, sector, or just blank.
Center header is title of report, and depending on the report type the run/execution date/time as well.
Bottom (Footer) has the user that executed the report in the lower left (note, when developing the user will not show up when you preview a report.. only when run from cognos connection), as well as date/time report was last refreshed/run. Center footer has page number. Right footer area has other pertinent info like copyright or a statement about what the report is showing.
I do this with the basic header and footer page areas.. Then put a 2 row by 3 column table in each. Then the above mentioned items get placed in there.
Hope that helps, pretty basic but thats all ya need.