I have a data item in my query that looks like this:
I would like to add a case statement to the end of the concantenation so the data item is then:
[Name]||[SerialNumber]||[Status]|| CASE when ... then ... when ... then ... else ... end
But when I attempt it I just get an error. I surrount the case statement with brackets, but I don't know what the proper code is. What do I need to surround the case statment with to get it to work? I have tried surrounding it with both [ ] and { } brackets, but neither work.
Can anyone help on this holiday weekend?
Thank you and Happy 4th!
please try this formate i think u wil get
[gosales_goretailers].[Products].[Product line]|| ' '|| (case
when ( [Order month] between 1 and 8) then ([Retailer name]) else(' ') end)
Wow, I feel dumb! Surrounding the case statement with parentheses worked!
Thank you! :) :) :)