Can anyone suggest me how we can get the Users list in Cognos access manager in the Cognos configuration so that I need to reset the password for a particular user.Suggest me for reset of user password through any process...
Thanks in Advance...
excute below command in command prompt
Go to location ( Your installation directory) c :cognos/cer5/bin
AM_NameSpaceReport.exe -h servername -r "o=Cognos, dc=sis, dc=gm, dc=com" -n Namespace -o report0907.xml
servername - which server instlled cognos access manager
o=Cognos, dc=sis, dc=gm, dc=com - DNZ suffix and netbios name
Try this and let me know if you have any issues.
What are you trying to accomplish? Do you just need to reset a user's password in access manager? If so, double-click on the user in Access Manager to get their properties. Then, on the 2nd tab, you can reset their password and set whether or not they are required to reset on first login, password never expires, etc...