I have a Framework Manager model that contains one data source (a relational Oracle DB). However, after we upgraded to Cognos 8, Query Studio thinks there is an OLAP data source somewhere in the model.Ã, Because of this, some of the Query Studio behaviors are different than if it understood the data source to be only a relational data source.Ã, Ã, :'(
Does anyone have any experience with this?Ã, Is this a bug?Ã, How can I look at Framework Manager to determine what might be causing QS to think something is an OLAP data source??Ã, Ã, ???
What behaviours are you seeing in Query Studio that you wouldn't expect? How does your package display - as Query Subjects and Query Items, or as Dimensions, hierarchies, levels and attributes? Or both??
The possibilities I can think of are:
a) Someone has added Dimensionally Modelled Relational objects (DMR) to Framework Manager on top of the underlying Query Subjects and Query Items. Go to the Dimension Map in Framework Manager and if you have Regular Dimensionals and Measure Dimensions, you should see them there. You should also see the count of Dimensions and Measures in the Statistics pane on the right-hand side.
b) Someone has pointed at a cube as a data source and published a package based on it. These are more difficult to locate unless you know where in the structure to look, or unless you know what they have been called. Either open up all your namespaces in the Project Viewer and look for your cube pointer, or else select the project at the top of the Project Viewer and use Tools/Model Report to list all the content of your project and look for your cube pointer in the document (when you hover over the icon for these, the tooltip says 'Namespace Dynamic Content').
Best regards,
Thanks for your help.Ã, The behavioral differences were (to name two): there was no option to Uncheck the line in the Advanced Options of QS to Auto summarize and suppress duplicates. Option did not exist.Ã, Also, when filtering on more than one column, the first filter would be a detail filter, but the second would ALWAYS be a Summary filter.Ã, There was no possilibity to make 2 detail (individual records) filters.
It turns out (I figured out this morning) that there is a Data Source Property in Framework Manager called Interface Type.Ã, This field, I believe is normally autopopulated when you create the data source.Ã, It tells Cognos what brand of DB your data source is (e.g. Oracle, SQL Server, etc).Ã, There is a two character code for each one.Ã, That property on my project was not populated at all (not sure why).Ã, However, when I typed in OR for Oracle, magically everything fixed itself!Ã, I guess without that code, Cognos doesn't know what it's looking at and defaults to a cube (??)
In any case, I discovered this by creating a brand new project using the same data source as in my original project and publishing a simple package.Ã, In QS, everything was fine (see behavior above).Ã, I compared Data Source properties in the new and old projects and discovered this Interface Type property difference. In the new project, it was populated with OR.Ã, I filled populated it in my old project and the rest, as they say, is history!!!
Thanks again!