We are currently upgrading from 7.3 to 8.4.1 and have run into a major problem with the client performance, it takes several minutes to open whereas it used to open in seconds in 7.3. We've been told bwe need to exclude certian files/folders from virus scanning but the group policy does not allow this. Has anyone else encountered and/or resolved this problem?
Hi jIMr,
One of the easiest ways to see if virus scanning is indeed the culprit is to open task manager and sort by CPU (so that the highest usage is at the top). At this point go ahead and open a contributor node (e-list item) and make note of what applications are now chewing up CPU time. If you see your antivirus product is up at the top during the whole load of contributor and then disappears when the node is finished loading, then it is definitely your AV interfering.
You would have to have the policy updated to exclude the path for the .exe files planning uses. Please see the below tech note for an explanation.
Is it opening the workflow page that is taking the time, or is it opening the node?
Is the performance on par if you use the classic client?