Hey Guys
we r using Cubes as a data suource forÃ, creating reports having promptsÃ, in Report Studio.
I created a report withÃ, prompt (tree prompt) on one dimension having 5 levels is working well with drill behavior(drill up's and down's )in the result. But dimension having 14 levels is not working with drill behavior(drill up's and down's). Is that more levels have any impact on Drill behavior. Help me to solve this issue.
LookingÃ, forward to get a clue on this issue.
Ã, Ã,Â
Do you mean you're having problems drilling up/down in the tree prompt or in the crosstab?
Hey Dimi,
When I created report with out prompt it was working fine with drill behavior but I created a report with prompt it was displaying in the cognos viewer Only prompted item details with out name of the object . But I want to get it with name as well as drill behavior.
I am getting result as follows
Project Cost (Rounded) Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May 2005
More 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
All Projects 16,346,184 41,771,890 37,688,005 40,605,007 41,949,671 46,007,540 39,952,050 46,081,240 310,401,586
but I want as follow with particular prjid which Iam selecting in prompt and with drill behavior for that project by drilling up which will go to the immediate parent.
Project Cost (Rounded) Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May 2005
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4422108 pri 6e 346,184 41,771,890 37,688,005 40,605,007 41,949,671 46,007,540 39,952,050 46,081,240 310,401,586