I am trying to set up a drill-through from a PowerPlay cube to a ReportNet report.Ã, The cube sends the date parameter as a "date" datatype, but the underlying database that ReportNet uses stores the date in a "datetime" format.Ã, This results in a prompt page on the ReportNet side pre-populated with nonsense data which will confuse the users.Ã,Â
Our database is Sybase, which is a lot like SQL Server.Ã, My first thought was to change the datatype in the database to "date" but apparently that's not possible in Sybase.Ã,Â
One solution is to cast the "datetime" field to "date" in the ReportNet filter, but this slows the query down....way down.Ã, Is that normal?Ã, Perhaps there's something else I'm missing.
Is it possible for PowerPlay to send the date parameter as a datetime?Ã, Or better yet, as an integer (YYYYMMDD), which is what I gave to it in the first place?Ã, We use a date dimension so I have a lot of choices about what to filter on.
I've found that time dimensions in transformer will always pass date types. I've tried assigning int fields as the drill-thru source, but still nothing but date type!!!
I've heard a lot about the flexibility of reportNet (yet to experience much of it). Can you put a translation layer between PP and reportNet that can perform the conversion?!
Sure, casting at the filter level always does the trick.