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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: mr j on 22 Jun 2011 01:17:13 AM

Title: Contributor Execute Analyst macro produces "length error"
Post by: mr j on 22 Jun 2011 01:17:13 AM

this is one of the annoying "I've had something like this before, but what did I do to fix it..." -cases.

So, I got (or should I say, our client has..) a Contributor macro which is supposed to execute an Analyst macro. It fails and the errors produced are e.g.
- Function "CheckServer" caused a "LENGTH ERROR" on line 7
- Unable to execute macro step 'Execute Analyst Macro'~~~~Function "CheckServer" caused a "LENGTH ERROR" on line 7

The macro runs ok manually from Analyst. The submacro in it runs ok, the individual D-Links are ok. I tried already recreating the Contributor macro from scratch. Other CAC driven Analyst macros work ok.

Appreciate your thoughts on this...

edit: Planning version is 8.4.1,
Install EN
Title: Re: Contributor Execute Analyst macro produces "length error"
Post by: ericlfg on 22 Jun 2011 09:33:13 AM
Hi Mr J,

To dive right into it, what does the analyst macro called from the CAC do, specifically?  Can I assume that this process worked previously and just started malfunctioning recently?

Title: Re: Contributor Execute Analyst macro produces "length error"
Post by: mr j on 23 Jun 2011 01:27:12 AM

Seems I may have got it to work, even though not sure why.

Your assumption is not totally supported. It's a macro for a very seldom used application and used to work but since that there's been migration from 8.3 to 8.4.1 and also to a totally new environment. Planning clients and Analyst libraries are on the same server, planning store and application datastores on another. In the old 8.3 everything was on the same machine.

Analyst macro now contains steps
- 3 x DLinkExecute with links from Analyst to Contributor production, each with different source and target cubes.

What was required was to build all the links from scratch. Ie. checking them after the migration and remapping applications in the D-links as 'the system' suggested was not sufficient. Very nice again...
However, if this was what it required how come the failing CAC-Analyst macro work fine when started from Analyst?
Title: Re: Contributor Execute Analyst macro produces "length error"
Post by: ovo on 28 Jun 2011 03:36:26 AM
I have seen similar problems in the past if you use a mix of drive mappings and UNC paths throughout the system.  I have found it best to standardise on UNC.

Could this have been your issue?
Title: Re: Contributor Execute Analyst macro produces "length error"
Post by: mr j on 28 Jun 2011 01:48:57 PM
You may have a point there,

there was (is) a mix in Analyst library mappings. I noticed this and changed the mappings to UNC format for all the relevant libraries, at least I think so.. however, there still remained a mix as all libraries & applications are not 'my responsibility', but maybe this should be pointed out.

Thanks for the comment!