I have an issue on report studio. In my result page I am unable to drill one level up or down to parent. Help me to resolve this issue?
In Report Studio, go to Data/Drill Behavior (on the menubar) and turn on the option to allow Drill-up and Drill-down.
I created Select& Search prompt on Project id . For that project id field I am not getting Drill behavior. What is the reason . Help me to resolve this issue.
Looking forward for clue in this issue.
Go back to your 'Prompt Page' under the page explorer...
Select the COMPLETED Select&Search prompt (so that it's highlighted) then go to Data > Drill Behavior...
Then CHECK 'Allow drill-up and drill-down'.
This should work...
Hey ,
In my Analysis studioÃ, reportÃ, I created context filter when I ran the report in report studio prompting on Project id and drillingÃ, up on project id it is drilling upÃ, to theÃ, root levelÃ, . Just I want to drill up to the immediate nextÃ, level not up to the roortÃ, level.
Ex: India level1
Hyd level2
Guntur level3
Tenali level4 when I am Prompting on Tenali and drilling on tenali it is directly drilling up to India but I want to drill up to Guntur then HYD then India.
How can solve tis issue.
With out Prompt Drill up's and down's are working fine after creating prompts only it was not working
When I created the report with prompts are not giving the drill behavior .
After doing Select the COMPLETED Select&Search prompt (so that it's highlighted) then go to Data > Drill Behavior...
Then CHECK 'Allow drill-up and drill-down' on prompt also not working on drill ups and downs.
Help me to resolve this issue.
Looking for ward to get clue in this issue..
It's very urgent for me .