I've encountered an odd situation in a legacy dimension built several years ago by a person who's long since left.
It's in Decision Stream.
The dimension is set to be an SCD, but not of the rows have the tracking box ticked.
As far as I understand it this should mean the columns are all subject to a type 1 change, which is to say the attributes are updated based on the bkey.
However, the table seems to have multiple records for the same bkey with SCD dates and Curr_ind, but all the data on each row seems to be identical.
Can anyone shed any light on this please?
A type 1 change will overwrite all previous records. If a dimension was previously type 2 with multiple records per business key and you change all the fields to type 1 all it has done is overwritten the history of the dimension and made every record for the business key the same, it will not go back and "merge" records.
Yep - agreed. This sounds like Type 2 behaviour was previously selected by having at least one track box checked, and history started to accumulate for a while, then the box was unchecked at a later date and Type 1 changes have updated all the history rows for the bkey.
I don't see how else you could have arrived at this situation in the data.