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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: venkiatmaruthi on 15 Jun 2011 03:20:52 AM

Title: difference between detail filter and Summary filter
Post by: venkiatmaruthi on 15 Jun 2011 03:20:52 AM

I want to understand exactly what these filters do. we have two filters Detailed Filter and Summary filter.

Detailed filter - applies filter on individual rows data.
summary filter - applies filter on data after aggregation.

But we have a option Before Auto Aggregation, After Auto Aggregation.
Detailed filter mentioned above is for Before auto aggregation.

my question here is Does Summary filter is equal to Detailed filter when after auto aggregation is set?

Title: Re: difference between detail filter and Summary filter
Post by: Arpitagrawal9 on 15 Jun 2011 04:36:20 AM

Please find below the details:
Summary Filter and Detail Filter
Summary and detail filters both set of criteria you apply to a report to change the focus of the report. The difference between a detail filter and summary filter is when the filter is applied.
The differences between summary and details filters are as follows:

Detail Filter
When you use a detail filter to filter a report only on detail data items, none of the data items in a detail filter are summary data items. Examples of detail data items are product, order number, and customer name.
• When going for a detail filters the filters are applied on individual data items in the report.
• You can filter detail data items that you select from a query or a catalog.
• Detail Filter --we can apply to each and every record in a database.
• A detail filter applies one or more specified conditions to each row of data. If the conditions are true for a row, the row is retrieved and appears in the report: if the conditions are not true, the row is not retrieved and does not appear in the report.
There are two options while using a detail filter
a) Before auto aggregation or after auto aggregation i.e. before the data is brought into the cache or after the data has been brought into the cache.
b) If we add set the property as before auto aggregation filter will be applied to where clause otherwise filter is applied in having clause.

Summary Filter
A summary filter is used to filter summary data items in a report. Before you create a summary filter, you must calculate the summary data items that you want to use in the filter.
• Summary data items that you include in the filter are calculated before the filter is applied while summary data items that aren't in the filter are calculated after the summary filter is applied.
• Summary filter are applied on summary values in the report
• You can filter summary data items that select from a report query or the catalog.
• A summary filter should hence be used only when groups need to be filtered out otherwise an after aggregation filter should be used.
• We Don't have option Before auto aggregation or after auto aggregation for summary filter

Impact of Summary Filters on reports
Consider the following columns in your report: Product, Sales and Rank - Rank (Sales).
To display only top 5 products you create a summary filter where Rank < 5.

Scenario 1: No grouping in report, no scope in summary filter
Result: No filtering effect

Scenario 2: Product grouping in report, no scope in summary filter
Result: No filtering effect

Scenario 3: Rank grouping in report, no scope in summary filter
Result: Filtering effect

Scenario 4: Product grouping in report, Product scope in summary filter
Result: Filtering effect, validation warning

Scenario 5: Rank grouping in report, Rank scope in summary filter
Result: Filtering effect, validation warning

Scenario 6: Product Grouping in report, Rank expression changed to include for Product, no scope in summary filter
Result : Filtering Effect

Scenario 7: Product Grouping in report, Rank expression changed to include for Product, A summary calculation - max - maximum(Rank) included for Product Grouping level, summary filter changed to max < 5, set scope of this filter to Product then only those groups that have maximum ranks of 5 are displayed. Not setting scope will result in no data.

A summary filter should hence be used only when groups need to be filtered out otherwise an after aggregation filter should be used.

Hope it helps :)
Title: Re: difference between detail filter and Summary filter
Post by: venkiatmaruthi on 15 Jun 2011 04:47:59 AM
Thanks a lot for your detailed explanation. Great!
Title: Re: difference between detail filter and Summary filter
Post by: bvk.cognoise on 15 Jun 2011 11:46:10 PM
Hi  VRT,

detail filter applies on individual records of a report,but summary filter applies on summary records

Title: Re: difference between detail filter and Summary filter
Post by: bvk.cognoise on 15 Jun 2011 11:50:01 PM
Hi  VRT,

detail filter applies on individual records of a report,but summary filter applies on summary records

for eg:

a        10
a        20
a        30
a        40

b       10
b       20
b       25
b       15

you will use summary filters on Totals(summary records) not on individual records

Title: Re: difference between detail filter and Summary filter
Post by: ra on 02 Oct 2013 06:24:27 AM
Hi  VRT .!
detail filter will give  detail level info ( before auto  aggregation)  duplicate data will be more , where as summary filter will give summary level info...  based  on  grouped column (After aggregation )