I need to create a multicolor background color dynamically.
For example: Y-axis has defined to minimum value of 100 and maximum value of 500.
if in the chart line (data item value) crosses over either 100 or 500 then the area of chart displays red (Red color should display only over 500 and or under 100) otherwise it stays the original color which is white.
can anybody walk through it how to do it? Thanks a lot.
Could you please answer to below questions before we get on?
What is your chart Type?
What do you mean by
Quotecrosses over either 100 or 500 then the area of chart displays red
It is a sparkline.
Do you think it is possible to customize?
Hi Prit,
Oh sorry not specifying your question.
"crosses over either 100 or 500 then the area of chart displays red "
if sparkline displays within the Y-axis = 100 and Y-axis = 500 then the area of background should display white. Once the sparkline crosses over 100 or 500 then the area of the background should display red. In this situation, the area will display in two different colors: red and white.
I hope I have clarify it.
Create a Boolean Variable e.g. 'Area Color', with below expression
[Measure] < 100 or [Measure] > 500
Select the Chart report--Properties-- Conditional Palette -- Under Variable Drop Down, select 'Area Color',
Value = YES
Check the Color option and in your case choose RED and OK.
Run the report and it should work.
Hope this helps?
Thanks for the hint. But it dis not work in my report. I may have to create a new query item instead using conditional formatting from the original one.
I will try that way also.