I have a list report with almost 30 columns,one of which is item description,which has multiple categories.There is category called for ex 'A' which has cost maintained and there is another category say 'B' for which there is no available cost and it shows 100%.What i required to do is all the values for category which are 100% to be replaced by 4% margin.I have dragged a data item with expression (sales-(sales*0.04) and don't want this data item to be displayed in report.I am trying to write a case statement for this but failing badly.I have writgten somewhat like this
if([item desription] ='a') then ('a')
Please help.Thanks
I am a little confused, the multiple categories are the Rows of the 'Item Description' Column or are they separate columns grouped with Item Description? Where do you want to use this expression (sales-(sales*0.04) ? I guess for category B? Can you please tell the exact case statement written? Sorry for the questions although :)
Thanks,Amruta.These are rows of item description and we also have columns such as YTD,QTD,MTD.and we want this calculation to be refelcted on these too,if there is no cost available for tthat particular item,else what is available cost.