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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS 8 Administration => Topic started by: cognosun on 07 Jun 2011 06:36:47 AM

Title: CSV report output - IIS
Post by: cognosun on 07 Jun 2011 06:36:47 AM
One day CSV output's run successfully , the next day they won't...

They fail with "HTTP 400 bad request:page not found" error

This scenario is occuring for all our users who are in various networks....

Do any one have idea about this intermittent nature....i guess this is related to individual computer settings issue.

We are on 8.4.1,  webserver is on IIS ( windows) and application server on websphere( AIX).

We updated the registry to unlimited url size.....
Title: Re: CSV report output - IIS
Post by: bvk.cognoise on 07 Jun 2011 06:47:27 AM
Hi cognosun,

please find this link it may helps you

Interactive CSV Report output gives HTTP 400 - Bad Request

Technote (troubleshooting)

This document applies only to the following language version(s):

Client receiving 'Page cannot be found - HTTP 400 - Bad request' error message when running report interactively in CSV Format.
Excel, PDF, HTML all work correctly.
Able to save CSV Output or email CSV Output with no issues

This started after installing 8.4 FP1
No issues with this under GA

This has also been seen after the installation of 8.3 FP4
No issues with this under SP3

When running report to View Now as CSV, receive browser (IE and FireFox) that 'Page cannot be found - HTTP 400 - Bad Request'.

IIS 6.0 Max URL Length Limit or URLscan max URL limit

Single server install with gateway on virtual machine.

Resolving the problem
On the IIS webserver - In Registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Se rvices\HTTP\Parameters

Add :
DWORD Value Name ="UrlSegmentMaxLength"
Value Data (as hex) ="00000200" which is 512 characters.

The webserver will need to be rebooted for this value to take affect.

This has resolved the CSV issue

This limit can also be imposed by URLscan if it's installed. If this is the case, the setting that controls this is "MaxUrl" in the URLScan.ini file.

Related information
IIS Insider - Find: "IIS HTTP GET and POST Limits

Title: Re: CSV report output - IIS
Post by: cognosun on 07 Jun 2011 08:50:23 AM
We have no issues with scheduling CSV.

We don't even have issue with interactive runs as well...but as i said one day they work other day they won't...

And we implemented below steps long back..and set the URL length to unlimited.

Title: Re: CSV report output - IIS
Post by: cognosun on 09 Jun 2011 09:36:14 AM
any guessess pls ....
Title: Re: CSV report output - IIS
Post by: MFGF on 10 Jun 2011 03:59:01 AM
This definitely sounds like a web server issue to me. On days you see this issue, if you try connecting to Cognos 8 via the dispatcher URL (it will probably look horrible but don't worry) and run and render the CSV again, does it then work?

Title: Re: CSV report output - IIS
Post by: cognosun on 30 Jun 2011 06:13:07 AM
Hi MF,

This issue got permanently resolved in one environement...( when we edited the windows registry allowing unlimited size of URI)...but still giving HTTP bad requst error, in other envionrment.

Settings in both the environments are 100% same.

I'm even getting complete URL of CSV in the browser address bar, but output is not getting displayed...detail error is saying that " it can connect to webserver but unable to display data, because of address "

Link :


Please suggest.