Hello Community! :)
I have got the following problem: I want to display a normal table with the Following format:
Date | cost centre | Number | Number | Number
in a contingency table.
Works fine so far, but in the third column Report Studio shows the values this way: http://i51.tinypic.com/abi3va.jpg
Has anyone an idea, why RS puts the values into the head of table, and not into the table itself? The data of the inncorrect column don't differ in type from the other two...
With regards,
Edit: Could solve it myself. The data, that were not displayed correctly, were in a varchar-format. After i changed it to float, it all worked.
Ah - yes. That would have been my suggestion - that the values were not numeric and could not be treated as measures in your crosstab cells.
Oh well. Better late than never, I suppose :)