Hi everyone,
I'm using TM1 9.5 and I wanted to find a way to use a kind of constant or environment variable in Turbo Integrator.
The basic idea is to define one itme in one place a path to a floder wich contains all my Excel data files which will be used in turbo integrator to load dimensions or cubes.
For now if my folder change, I have to modify the data source name in all IT processes : data source name : c:/mydatafolder/excel.xls
I would like to have something like : data source name : FOLDER/excel.xls where FOLDER is a configurable value. So change the value once when the folder is changed.
Thanks in advance for your help !
Update DataSourceNameForServer in the prolog. You can hold the folder name in a TM1 cube, or pass it in as a parameter. See the Reference Guide files for a fuller explanation.
Thanks for your answer.
Like I saw in the reference guide http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/ctm1/v9r4m1/index.jsp?lang=en-EN
I added that to my tm1s.cfg file.
But I can't see how to use it in my TI process. The guide is not very well detailed on that part.
Could you help me on this please ?
I think I got you.
You mean that you have to configure for each TI process the variable in prolog tab ? How you use this variable ?
So it's not generic... for every process you have to change it for each process when the folder is changed.
Why did you think TM1 forced you to put all your files in one place?
Suggest you follow up my suggestion of putting the path into a cube and using it in the prolog (via a CellGetS).