Hi all,
I have following issue:
I would like to get the abcd.xls from this string: /abc/def/ghijk/l/abcd.xls.
My idea:
substring('/abc/def/ghijk/l/abcd.xls', position('/', '/abc/def/ghijk/l/abcd.xls')+1, character_length('/abc/def/ghijk/l/abcd.xls'))
Unfortunately thats not correct because the function position returns the first position where the stated character is matched but I need the position of the last character (/).
Can anybody help?
Thanks and regards,
Use the dot as reference point, cause it occurs only once in the entire string:
could be -5 ;D
Mhh. The lenght of the filename and path are not fix. That's the problem..
Any other ideas?
Are you on SQL server and can you use RDBMS type functions? Then it would be a matter of 1/ reversing the string with 'reverse' function, then 2/ taking the right part out of it and then 3/ reversing the resulting part again:
It works!
Many thanks :)
I want to do above, but, in an text expression, with a parameter text variable!!! :o