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ETL, App Development and other tools => Automation => Topic started by: kavitasrims on 08 Aug 2006 12:39:02 AM

Title: Object Store internal error...virtual Alloc failed to allocate at any address
Post by: kavitasrims on 08 Aug 2006 12:39:02 AM

Inspite of reinstallation while configuring PPES or even with only Power Play Transformer it throws "Object Store internal error.Virtual Alloc failed to allocate at any address. Not enough Storage available " . We have 16.2 GB space avlbl and Virtual memory has been extensivley increased to 28000MB( Total Paging file size).

Any help in this regard is appreciated.


Title: Re: Object Store internal error...virtual Alloc failed to allocate at any address
Post by: mhamilto on 14 Aug 2006 06:33:14 PM
Is this solved? I'd try uninstalling and re-installing Objectstore. Leave the other software as is.