>i have installed cognos10 on window7 environment.i am using iis7.
> in previous version if i use URL like
>http://localhost/cognos8 the cognos will opening
>but in cognos10 if use http://localhost/cognos10 cognos is not getting open.
>if i use following link its getting open
>what should i do to fix this problem.
please help me ASAP it is very urgent...... ::)
You have to configure the virtual directories in IIS so that IIS knows where to look for when you just type cognos10 without typing cgi-bin/cognosisapi.dll .
These steps are mentioned in the installation guide.
Hi cognostechie,
can you please explain it clearly.how to fix it.i need your assistance.your help highly appreciated .
Hi there
I'd suggest that you immediately stop using localhost in any of your Cognos configuration settings and make sure that these localhost entries are replaced with either a resolvable IP address or a server name
Changing this setting per C10 component requires a save and restart of the services
Make sure that you have any of the above allowed as valid trusted sites in your IE browser
Make sure that your ../Windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts file has the entry commented out
Test the entry on a workstation
With IIS7 you have to set this as either 32bit or 64bit and as the Cognos Gateway is 32 bit I'd make sure this is how your IIS7 has been set as well (32Bit I mean)
https://www-304.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21390241 and the associated technotes.
See how you get on
Peter B
Hi AussiePete,
thank you very much for you reply.but im able to open cognos using following URL
but my requirement is how can i open cognos using following URL
what are the modifications i need to do for this .
edit default.htm and index.html in webcontent folder.
Change cognos.cgi to cognosisapi.dll in those files.
Hi SomeClown,
thank you for your reply.i did the same thing but its not working.
acutally i followed these steps while installing .please read it and tel me where im doing mistake.
after creating cognos10,cgi-bin virtual directory
>i opened CGI and ISAPI restrictions in IIS
>then i click on add
i gave this physical path
C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10\cgi-bin\cognosisapi.dll
>then i selected CGI-BIN virtual directory then Opened Moduler mapping added a new handler mapping
>this is the physicall path for that
C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10\cgi-bin\cognosisapi.dll
after that i restrted services.
then i opened try to open cognos using following URL
but if i use the following URL cognos getting open
where im doing mistake please give me solution ::)
Hi Folks,
any solution for this .your help highly appreciated. :( ::)
Hi Folks,
any solution ::) please......your help highly appreciated
Not sure if it's needed, but sometimes you need to add parm AllowPathInfo="True" to the web.config file.
Also, make sure all virtual directory references match - I think the default in cognos configuration is ibmcognos, not cognos10
Enable directory browsing.
On IIS, select the cognos virtual directory.
from the main pane double click on "Directory browsing", and from the left pane click on "Enable". If necessary, repeat for the cgi-bin virtual directory.
Oh, and if it's a 64 bit machine you need to enable IIS support for 32 bit apps to work with ISAPI.
Hi ,
SomeClown and Nimrod Avissar thank you very much for your reply i followed the same steps which you suggested but still im facing the same problem.and im also using IIS 32 bit.
what error are you getting when you access localhost/cognos10?
Hi Nimrod Avissar,
i am getting the following error
HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found
The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable
1. Do you have execute permissions on cgi-bin virtual directory? you can check this by highlighting cgi-bin virtual directory and double clicking on handler mapping, then click "Edit Feature Permissions".
2. Highlight the cognos10 virtual directory, double click on handler mapping, highlight the ISAPI module you added, click on edit. in the window that opens, click on Request restrictions, and verify the settings:
a. under access tab "execute" should be marked.
b. verbs is set to all verbs.
3. Try changing the application pool's user to a domain user with permissions to access the cognos folder.
Under Cognos Config - Gateway url.....if you have localhost then replace it with the server name and re-start the server......let me know
Hi Folks,
please find the attachment .i gave screenshots step by step step what i am doing.please give me suggestions to fix this problem.
I think I got it.
1. You're trying to access cognos.cgi - but you set the IIS up for cognosisapi.dll. You need to pick one.
2. If you're going with isapi, you need to follow the following steps to set Cognos up:
a. backup files <cognos directory>/c10/webcontent/default.htm and <cognos directory>/c10/webcontent/index.html. open them with notepad and search+replace "cognos.cgi" with "cognosisapi.dll" in both files. save them.
b. in cognos configuration change any instance og cognos.cgi to cognosisapi.dll
IIS 7 do have handler mapping issues and following Nimrod Avissar advice should resolve the issue. It is trying to process the cgi module whereas the mapping is done for isapi module.
Hi Nimrod Avissar and isap,
thank you very much for your reply ,but i did the modifications which you suggested in your previous post.
but still i am getting the following problem please find the attachment.
Hi Nimrod Avissar,isap
may be im doing mistake while creating virtual directory.can you please give me step by step how create cognos10,cg-bin, virtual directory. and how to create handler mappings and configuring. you help highly appreciated.
It seems cognos is trying to access cognos.cgi. This should not happen if the changes described earlier are made and cognos is retsarted. Please verify that in the files mentioned the changes were made and saved - in both files - and that you restarted cognos afterwards.
Also, verify that the virtual directory points at "default.htm" or index.html as its default page to open.
Quote from: Nimrod Avissar on 07 Jun 2011 05:43:48 AM
Also, verify that the virtual directory points at "default.htm" or index.html as its default page to open.
how can i verify that?
>i did all the modification which we discussed before
>i made all modification.
it seems to be im doing mistake while creating virtual directory,handlermapping,isapi creating.please give me steps to create this.
please give me steps ::)
when you go browse to the virtual directory (localhost/cognos10) cognos redirects you to the cognos.cgi access point. This means 2 things:
1. virtual directory is set, and can redirect you at a cgi/isapi access point. Meaning, as far as we know this is done well.
2. Cognos doesn't know it should direct you at isapi, and redirects you at cgi-bin.
To me, it seems that handler mapping isn't even in the equation: handler mapping will kick in once isapi is called on. The issue you're describing is different: cognos virtual directory doesn't redirect you to isapi. This is controlled by these files I asked you to edit.
Now, these files are called by the virtual directory by default. Please verify the following:
1. That the cgi-bin virtual directory is inside the cognos virtual directory.
2. Highlight cognos virtual directory, click on Document Default (I think it's called that), verify Default.htm OR index.html is the first there (Else, add it).
If fails, email me your Default.htm and Index.html files. Maybe you overlooked something. I'm at navissar@gmail.com
HI Nimrod Avissar,
in Default Website im able to see
among these files i will send Default.htm and index.html to your mail please verify these files (i copied these files from C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10\web content)and let me know modifications i need to do .
i am using Internet explorer9 .is it any problem if im using this.i have those files to your mail please check it once.
files seem fine. Try to follow this IBM recommendation:
https://www-304.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21452698 (https://www-304.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21452698)
In IIS 7, go to the 'Default Web Site', select Default Documents and delete
everything out. Then click on 'Revert To Inherited' on the right
Also, IE9 is not supported. It's not the cause of the problem, IMHO, but you should be aware of that.
Hi Nimrod Avissar,
finally its working.for past one week i am working on this issue.finally i am able to fix it.i did mistakes when adding module mapping .again i added module mapping.finally its working.thank you very much for your help.
i will try to upload cognos10 installation screen shots document very soon .it may helpful to others.