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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: Pedro on 26 May 2011 04:07:12 AM

Title: Problems with Quick Export Function in 8.4
Post by: Pedro on 26 May 2011 04:07:12 AM

I am experiencing a very odd problem with the quick export (to excel) functionality in Cognos Planning 8.4

We are unable to export one particular view, I can't replicate this problem in any other cube, node or applicaiton, so I am thinking it is something to do with a dodgy character, however I can export the parent of this view so I am a bit stuck!

The error message recieved is

There was an internal applicaiton problem. Try to save your work and exit the applicaiton.

Check console for complete stack trace

com.cognos.ccl4j.exceptions.CCLRuntimeException (root java.lang.RuntimeException):
' COM object method returns error code: 0x800A03EC
WHILE [CCLMsg: system text='invocation taget exception occured runInProgressDialog()']
Caused by : java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
Caused by : java.lnag.RuntimeException: COM obecjt method return error code: 0x800A03EC;
Caused by : com.jniwrapper.win32.comComException: COM object method returns error code: 0x800A03EC;
   at com.cognos.planning.mso.excel.impl._worksheetImpl.setName(
   at com.cognos.planning.excelCOM.ExcelCOMWorksehet.setName(
   at com.cognos.planning.excelCOMProxy.ExcelCOMWorksheetProxy$
   at com.jniwrapper.win32.MessageLoopThread$
   at com.jniwrapper.win32.MessageLoopThread$

Has anyone seen this before?
Title: Re: Problems with Quick Export Function in 8.4
Post by: ericlfg on 26 May 2011 07:24:43 AM
Hi Pedro,

I've seen issues regarding this in the past, in one specific instance it turned out to be a defect:

To confirm, ensure that the 31st character of the elist name (which is used to name the tab in excel) does not contain a quote.   If it does, you will need to rename the elist item to remove the quote.

This has been fixed in 8.4.1 fp1 as indicated in the above record.  If this doesn't address the problem you're having (either correcting the elist name or upgrading to 8.4.1 fp1, then you may be running into something that hasn't been seen yet and will need to contact cognos support.
Title: Re: Problems with Quick Export Function in 8.4
Post by: Pedro on 26 May 2011 09:23:37 AM
Hi ericlfg

You have gone and nailed it, that seems to be the fix. Thanks for your help and the quick response.

FYI - the elist name was only 26 laters but the excel tab name adds the elist name and the name of the next dimension (i.e. in the context filed which isn't being used as a row or a column). That so happened to be "FTE's".

So the quick fix for me is to re-orientate the dimensions so FTE's isn't the next dimension.

Of course, the slightly longer fix is to rename the dimension.

Thanks again much appreciated.
Title: Re: Problems with Quick Export Function in 8.4
Post by: Snehalathaga on 19 Jul 2011 04:48:42 AM
Hello Pedro/ericlfg

Thanks for this post. I too faced the same problem where in the 31'st character in the excel file (Sheet/tab) name was a single quote ('). I was able to resolve the error using your post :-).

Seems to be very peculiar but has worked finally.
