Hi Everyone,
I have a crosstab report which has product type,product name,latest 3 months,latest 2 weeks,difference of latest 2 weeks.I have 2 measures deal count,product count.
I am able to acheieve everything except difference between latest 2 weeks.
Please help me how to calculate the difference
Have you tried making a calculated measure and using a tuple? I don't know if I understand your question very well, but I am assuming if you use a tuple for ex. value(tuple([deal count], [difference of latest 2 weeks]))-value(tuple([product count], difference of latest 2 weeks])) or how ever you were actually needing it calculated? tuples are kind of magical for stuff like that i've found in my experiences anyway.
Thanks for the Reply.
My requirement is I need the difference with in the same measure
1st line is the difference of [deal count]
2nd line is the difference of [product count]
Pls help me in this