In Active report of cognos 10 i want to use radio button group for different object means chat,list, crosstab
e. x. when i click on list option button it show only list
kindly reply early
Define the list, chart and crosstab in a deck, then use the radio button group to drive which deck page gets displayed.
Thanks for reply
when i use Data radio button group & drag one dimension e.x . product line
it will show at run time
but i want to use radio button group for different object like chart,list,crosstab
Yes - that's what I was trying to describe. Bring in a Deck and drop your List, your Chart and your Crosstab onto separate cards of the deck. Then bring in a Radio Button Group (not a Data Radio Button Group) to control which card of the deck is selected.
Thank MFGF
I really appreciate your help it is helpful for me
I tried it it works
if you have any demo for active report other than ibm demo
please show me
thank again
what new can we will do in active reports with compare to our simple report studio
some different functionality which we not did in simple report
The big benefit of active reports is that they are consumable entirely stand-alone (ie disconnected from the Cognos 10 server). They don't really offer you much extra functionality than you can create in a standard Report Studio report, but they obviously have a different purpose.
Hi MFGF / brijon,
I am new to active reports. Could you please help me in understanding the deck property in detail , with an example.
I have the similar requirement where i have to use data button to display multiple charts and lists. For example if i click on one button i need to get the respective chart or list.
Please help.
Thanks in avance.
Dragging "Tab Control"object from insertable objects pane will serve the purpose.
Hope this works for you... :)
Also I have attached the snapshot for the same.
Thanks and regards
Hi Prema
Thanks for the reply.
Please explain me about the deck property in active reporties.
As MGF as explained i have dragged my lists and charts in separate decks after that i have dragged the radio button group also now how do i link these 2 items. Please explain.
A good place to start is to look at the Report Studio User Guide and read up on Active Reports:
Best regards,
The Active Report Cookbook is another good document:
you also might to check youtube for videos, there are some awesome vids out there. (e.g. from Brightstar&P as well ;)
cheerz :p