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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS 8 Administration => Topic started by: abcuser on 23 May 2011 07:42:20 AM

Title: Cognos BI 8.4.1 install problems: "Content Manager is unable to update the negot
Post by: abcuser on 23 May 2011 07:42:20 AM
today I have fresh installed Cognos v8.4.1 64-bit with fixpack 3 on Windows 2008 R2 Standard 64-bit. I have also installed DB2 v9.7.4 64-bit and created database and set this database as Cognos BI content store. I have installed Apache http Server 2.2.19 32-bit and configured to handle Cognos BI according to: suggestion. All of the software is installed on single computer.

I have run Internet Explorer and in address bar entered the following address:  http://localhost/cognos8 and I am getting the following error:
"DPR-ERR-2109 The dispatcher cannot service the request at this time. The dispatcher is still initializing.
Contact your administrator if this problem persists. Please try again or contact your administrator."

It looks like Apache http server is able to access Cognos BI server, but the server is not running (still initializing). Yes, I have waited for at least 20 minutes to see if server is really initializing.

I have restarted the IBM Cognos 8 server from inside Cognos Configuration and I am getting the following error:
"CM-SYS-5152 Content Manager is unable to update the negotiation table.
CM-SYS-5152 Content Manager is unable to update the negotiation table.
The data types of the operands for the operation "=" are not compatible or comparable..
SQLCODE=-401, SQLSTATE=42818, DRIVER=3.62.56 Cause:
CM-SYS-5152 Content Manager is unable to update the negotiation table."

I have looked in DB2 documentation where there is info:
SQL0401N The data types of the operands for the operation "<operator>" are not compatible.
Explanation: The operation "<operator>" appearing within the SQL statement
has a mixture of numeric and nonnumeric operands, or the operation operands are not 
ompatible. Some data sources do not provide the appropriate values for "<operator>".
In these cases the message token will have the following format: "<data source>:UNKNOWN",
indicating that the actual value for the specified data source is unknown.

Any idea what is wrong with my installation?
Title: Re: Cognos BI 8.4.1 install problems: "Content Manager is unable to update the negot
Post by: AussiePete2011 on 24 May 2011 06:37:22 PM
Hi there

Which db2 jdbc driver have you instigated for connection to the content store?

Does the connection to the content store test successfully in the Cognos Configuration?
What I'd do at this point is create a new db2 schema for the content store and try making sure that the content store tables are being created successfully.

It sounds like not all the Content store tables have been created.  Just a thought.
Peter B
Title: Re: Cognos BI 8.4.1 install problems: "Content Manager is unable to update the negot
Post by: abcuser on 25 May 2011 01:59:10 AM
I did the following (configuring content store):
1. I created DB2 database with db2 superuser. I have checked there is no table with db2 superuser schema.
2. I have copied files db2jcc.jar and db2jcc_license_cu.jar to C:\Program Files (x86)\cognos\c8_64\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib
   The jar files are from DB2 Express-C v9.7.4 that is installed on the same server.
3. In Cognos Configuration: Local Configuration | Data Access | Content Manager | Content Store
I set:
Type: DB2 database
Database server and port number:   (so this is type-4 jdbc setting)
User ID and password: (set userid/password for superuser on DB2)
Database name: (I have set database name)
4. I have tested connection to database: Successful.
5. I have executed right mouse Test option on: Local Configuration | Data Access | Content Manager | Content Store (Successful)
6. I have executed right mouse Test option on: Local Configuration | Environment | IBM Cognos 8 service | IBM Cognos 8 (Successful)
7. Then Start option on the same three option as in previous step. I get this "CM-SYS-5152 Content Manager is unable to update the negotiation table."
8. I have connected to DB2 database and checked and I can see there where new tables created.

It looks to me content store is not created as it should be. Something missing or something like that. There is maybe a JDBC driver problem or something.

Now I have compared "Cognos BI v8.4.1 32-bit using DB2 Express-C v9.7.1 32-bit" with "Cognos BI v8.4.1 64-bit using DB2 v9.7.4 Express-C 64-bit" and I see there are 119 tables created in first working environment and only 89.

Any idea what to check?

Title: Re: Cognos BI 8.4.1 install problems: "Content Manager is unable to update the negot
Post by: AussiePete2011 on 25 May 2011 07:21:24 PM
Hi there

Sorry about the delay in response.  Have issues that are causing me grief here.
Have you tried testing the 32 bit jdbc drivers from 9.7.1 to see if you can get all the tables created against 9.7.4?  This may be just a work around and really wont affect you all that much for the moment, but it would be worth a test.

You may need to turn on the DB2 jdbc tracing to see what the underlying issue is.  I've seen a number of IBM forums reporting the same problems with the 64 bit drivers so you may need to log a PMR with IBM as well.

Sorry couldn't be of more assistance.  We use Oracle 11g 64 bit as our content store and I dont have the same capacity to test as I did  when I was in support.

Peter B
Title: Re: Cognos BI 8.4.1 install problems: "Content Manager is unable to update the negot
Post by: abcuser on 26 May 2011 05:30:17 AM
You got to be kidding this is working.  :o
I have reporter a PMR to get official statement.
Title: Re: Cognos BI 8.4.1 install problems: "Content Manager is unable to update the negot
Post by: abcuser on 27 May 2011 12:54:28 AM
I got official statement from IBM support. In order to use Cognos BI v8.4.1 64-bit accessing to DB2 v9.7.4 64-bit, 32-bit JDBC driver is required!

So I have copied db2jcc.jar and db2jcc_license_cu.jar from another computer running DB2 v9.7.1 32-bit to this Cognos computer in path: C:\Program Files (x86)\cognos\c8_64\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib

The info is described on: as: "All IBM Cognos 8.4.1 BI 32-bit versions will integrate with 32-bit 3rd party libraries only. IBM Cognos 8.4.1 BI 64-bit installs will integrate with 64-bit Java environments only, other integration points require 3rd party 32-bit libraries."
Thanks for help.