- The IBM Cognos Community

IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS Connection => Topic started by: salcg on 12 May 2011 03:17:50 PM

Title: Cognos 8.4 Dashboard size changes for different PC resolutions
Post by: salcg on 12 May 2011 03:17:50 PM
I'm having a little difficulty with the display our dashboard on different user PCs. Users use a different resolution PC. I created the dashboard and tested on my PC that has resolution of 1680x1050. The dashboard is created in Cognos 8.4 using Page portlets (and NOT Go! Dashboard). (I do have the same issue in Go! Dashboard also).

When a user uses a PC of 1024x768, the dashboard goes off his screen - ie, he only sees about 60% of the dashboard and gets a horizontal scroll bar. I'm using a Page portlet based dashboard, three columns, 30%, 30% and 40% width. My 3 chart reports have size defined in one chart as 350px by 600px, and blank size in the other two charts. I tried to defined the chart size of 100% height and 100% width in those 2 reports, but even that doesn't help.
My objective is that all users should be able to view the full dashboard fit correctly on their screens, irrespective of what PC resolution they use. Please advise.

Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Cognos 8.4 Dashboard size changes for different PC resolutions
Post by: bvk.cognoise on 16 Jun 2011 11:55:54 PM
Hi salcg,

please find this link it may helps you.....,14138.0.html
