Hi Guru's
I have a drill through applied on Email id and Emp serial Number in a list report. When I select a particular emp and drill through on it, It is connecting to the Blue pages. But when I implement the same functionality on Email Id, It is not connecting to the lotus notes.
Pls guide me on this..
Some more In depth of the above requirement...
If I enter a mail id in Xls Spread Sheet, And when I click on the id(abc@xyz.com), It will route to lotus notes mail with a new message "To: id(abc@xyz.com)". I want this functionality to be implemented in Cognos RS
Hi Ram,
You could use an HTML item and insert the data item into it using the Mail To property of the HTML A Tag. Link to more on mail to property: http://www.pageresource.com/html/mail.htm
Or you could set the data item to be a report expression using mail to:
e.g: "mailto:"+[Query2].[EMAIL]
Thanks Brando,It's working..