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General Discussion => Introduce yourself and your company! => Topic started by: gilad on 21 Jul 2006 08:22:42 AM

Title: Olivier Gilad Swerdlow - Specialist in Decisional Architecture - Europe
Post by: gilad on 21 Jul 2006 08:22:42 AM
Hello ,
My name is Olivier Gilad Swerdlow , I am a belgian freelancer working actually in Europe.
I have over 8 years of extensive Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence experience, implementing -
-1 Data warehouse and BI infrastructure migration and production planning
- 2 full lifecycle Data Mart projects
- 1 Gap Analysis project
- 1 high level design architecture and security project
- 12 Meta Data modelingÃ,  projects and ongoing support work .
Expert in delivering the right data at the right moment for decision makers.
Iââ,¬â,,¢ve implemeted performance management system over multiple functional applications: order management, inventory, procurement, CRM, accounting, financial services, quality assurance and infrastructure management.
I have also use Cognos tools for data flux tracing , fraud detection and QA process in  ERP and CRM implementations.

And now , few words in French:

Professionnel confirmé de lââ,¬â,,¢informatique décisionnel depuis 1998, jââ,¬â,,¢ai acquis une connaissance approfondie des problématiques décisionnels fonctionnel et techniques : bases de données relationnelles, développement et datawarehouse.