Hi Folks,
Can anybody give me the exact java script code to remove the "keywords , Type one or more keywords separated by commas" which appears in the select and search prompt.
Also i need to remove the "options " in the select and search prompt.
Plz Note: I use Cognos 8.0 version
Hi Folks,
Please respond to this as this is urgent requirement and needs to be resolved .
Experts in writing java scripts kindly respond.
Any help with this regard would be highly appreciated.
Sounds like editing the default JS for the SS prompt which comes packaged with Cognos.
This would be a global change so will affect every SS in every report. Also, you will have to reapply the change every time you apply upgrades
ok, I found something for removing "Type one or more keywords separated by commas ". This is taken from elsewhere, so I claim no rights over it :)
I tested it out on 8.4 and it works. Add the following on your prompt page (header is fine to place it in)
You could prolly search for "keyword" within the promptingStrings_en.js file located in \webcontent\prompting\res and apply a similar script as above once you locate the JS section that creates the "keyword" text.