I do not create prompt page.
I had created a few value prompt in report page (Yead, Quarter, Month, Region, Customer) and underneath these value prompt, I had created a crosstab report.
When run the report, would like system to show all the value prompt for user to select and after selection, user will click the Finish button, then, the crosstab report will be shown below those value prompt.
The problem is, when I click run, it will prompt 2 value prompts which is Quarter and Month, after make selection and click OK, it prompt for Month value prompt again. After select the Month again and click OK, then only it will prompt all the value prompts that created.
How to avoid this and asking system to directly show all the value prompts instead of showing only those 2 first ?
Are any of the filters 'required' and/or any prompts are cascading ?
Hi cognostechie,
All the query is base on quarter and month.
I had put optional filter for quarter and month parameter
Quarter cascade source is Year
Month cascade source is Qurarter.
Try passing default value to the Quarter and Month prompts using the prompt macro.
The Quarter will be tricky. You will have to determine the Quarter of the current month and pass that as the default value.
By the way, cascading on Quarter and Months don't really make much sense as there will be only 4 values in Quarter prompt and 12 values in the Month prompt. Cascading makes sense when the values can change from the database itself depending on what you chose in the higher prompt. It will be fine to remove the cascading feature and make it independent prompts. That way the Crosstab will open up and then the user can select Year, Quarter and Month all together.
Even if you cascase, it should still show all 4 Quarters no matter which year you chose. It could reduce the months to 3 instead of 12 but what difference does it make since the difference is only between 3 and 12.
Actually this way, your report will run only for one month or a max of 3 months once chosen from the Prompt? Is that the requirement?
Hi cognostechie,
How to pass value using prompt macro as I had try this before?
Yes, it is the requirement, where when user select year let say 2011, the Quarter will only show 2011 Q1,2011 Q2, 2011 Q3, and 2011 Q4.
If user select 2011 Q2, then will cascade to Month and under Month will only show Apr, May and June.
User would like to avoid the long list in this 3 value prompts.
Make the 'Auto Submit' feature to 'Yes' for the Year and Quarter prompt and make the filters optional.
Look at this report, the 2nd prompt cascades on the 1st one and the report opens up with all data. It doesn't force the user to enter a value before showing the report.
Hi cognostechie,
Had put the Auto Submit for Year and Quarter as 'Yes'
and set the optional filter for year and quarter but when run report, still prompt to select Month.
I had tried put the optional filter for Month, but when do so, it will prompt both Quarter and Month to select.
Any idea?
When I try open the attached report, I get the following error :
The report version "http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/report/7.0/" is not supported. Expected report version "http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/report/6.0/".
How to fix this?
Hi there,
Manage to get it solve, this was due to one of the value prompt that uses static choices where the static choices is related to string variable.
Under the string variable, originally the expression is ParamValue('pType') = 1, but when change to expression below, report directly go to the report page with all the value prompts :-
ParamValue('pType')=1 and ParamValue('pMonth') is not null
Hope this helps.