I am New to Event Studio, Please excuse me for that.
my Requirement is i want to use Event Studio to Schedule a Job to Run the OLAP Report.
In my Scenario, We Run the ETL load every Day, Hence the reports Get refreshed.
Please let me know how can i run the report When the Load is Finished, we have a Fact table which Records the ETL Start and End Time.
Please help.
I would suggest you to have a flag column in your Fact table. Say another column 'Status'. If the loading is completed the values should be 'Y' otherwise 'N'
You can Schedule your report in Event Studio, with the expression
Hope it helps?
To add to richiearora's question. What if one is scheduling their event to run on the 1st day of every month at 7 a.m. but ETL load fails on a particular occasion and the table is not loaded with the 'Y' flag. ETL job is re-run and is successful by 8 a.m. and flag becomes 'Y' .
Does this mean event will not run the jobs? (as it was originally scheduled to run at 7 a.m.) How do we fix this?
Hi Suhas,
I guess, in this situation you may have to run the Event manually.
Can anybody pass on some info?
In this situation it sounds better to use scheduling by trigger, which would handle your example scenario without any problems, and also your usual daily need.
Thanks for the Information......