The GTP erros out whne a complete rights file full list is uploaded whereas it succeeds when a cut version of the file is used. the error says "please check whethere you have the permissiions". I checked all the permissions in the rights administrator role and everything is correct.Is there anything is the rights file which could fail a GTP?
Hey Srini,
I think to approach this you need to identify the user(s) in the rights file that is causing this problem. This will take some trial and error.. import 50% of the rights and run a GTP and keep repeating this process with failing sections of the rights until you isolate the user(s) that are causing the problem.
From this point you can attempt to identify any oddities with this subset and possibly correct. By the way, does this issue have anything to do with your other post? (http://www.cognoise.com/community/index.php/topic,13817.0.html)
Honestly, I wouldn't expect the import to succeed if there were very obvious problems with the import file. In fact, if there were problems then it should output those as a warning / error in the rights import wizard...
Hopefully this helps..