Hopefully the subject explains the issue. I have a couple of values that I wish to place in a line chart, but the issue is that for whatever date range I'm grabbing the data I get a straight line for the average value for that date range. From what I've been able to gather from the Framework Manager guy is that these were setup as averages in the framework.
If the values are grabbed in placed in the list I can get the average value for each day, which is what I'm seeking to do in the chart, I just can't get the chart to behave this way.
Any ideas?
I tried to replicate this but don't see the behavior you are describing (v 8.4.1).
There is a price item in my model with a regular aggregate property set to Average. I bring this and a date into a report and filter for a dozen days worth of data. I did not alter the query aggregate settings and the price item shows up as Average for the aggregate function and Automatic as the rollup aggregate function.
My list container shows the correct daily average. I also have a line chart with the date as categories and the price as the default measure. This shows the same averages as my list plotted correctly on the graph.
Are there other elements in you report that are possibly affecting the generated SQL? Can you look at the SQL to see if you spot a problem there?
P.S. Love, love, love the great state of Maine! We have vacationed there many times over the years :D
I've think I've tried every option for aggregate/roll-up aggregate that seems feasible with no luck. I attempted to generate SQL and after 15 minutes I'm still waiting for it to finish, part of the fun of having your dev server 1000 miles away. I don't see anything on the report that could be causing any issues, all other charts are working as expected.
Maine is nice except for the winters... :)
Quote from: CognosInMaine on 12 Apr 2011 08:48:31 AM
Maine is nice except for the winters... :)
We opt for summertime visits ;) My kids went to a camp in Freedom when they were younger. For people curious to know where they can find Freedom....it is, of course, not very far from Liberty!!
Sounds like your query might have other elements in it. Do you have a series in addition to just the categories and default measure? If you can describe other aspects it might help pinpoint where things are going awry.
I'll see what I can do here. I finally got the SQL to come up and didn't see any issues in there. I think I'll create a drill-down report and dump the data into a grid just for a verification on what the server is returning.
Well I figured it out, it had to do with the query object. It defaulted to auto group and summarize set to No, changed to Yes and working now. Funny only 4 out of the 12 charts didn't like the deafult setting.
Thanks for your help.