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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: mayocraze on 11 Apr 2011 04:52:20 AM

Title: Date Prompt not working properly
Post by: mayocraze on 11 Apr 2011 04:52:20 AM
Really frustrated about this problem. I have a report which has "vender name", " invoice date",...

I created a date prompt to restrict the "invoice date". My filter is like this:
[Invoice Files].[Invoice Header].[Invoice Date - Converted]>=?InvoiceDate1?

[Invoice Files].[Invoice Header].[Invoice Date - Converted]<=?InvoiceDate2?

I also created a prompt for "vendor name". Now the problem comes...

When I select some vendors, the date prompt is working properly for them, but not for a paticular vendor. (I just did a random check, there are too many vendors in total)

Any one got idea how to fix this? Is it becoz sth wrong with my date prompt? or my entire model is not correct?
Title: Re: Date Prompt not working properly
Post by: bfmooz on 11 Apr 2011 10:14:33 AM
When you say the date prompt is not working, what exactly do you mean?  Is it ignoring the prompt, returning nothing, etc.?

Also, instead of the two separate prompts, have you tried changing it to a "between" statement -

[Invoice Files].[Invoice Header].[Invoice Date - Converted] between ?InvoiceDate1? and ?InvoiceDate2?
Title: Re: Date Prompt not working properly
Post by: mayocraze on 11 Apr 2011 08:29:42 PM
Yup, returning nothing.

For example when I choose Vendor A, from 23th-25thMarch, it returns nothing. But this vendor did have entries during this period.

However, for some other vendors, the prompt is working fine...
Title: Re: Date Prompt not working properly
Post by: PRIT AMRIT on 11 Apr 2011 09:10:35 PM
Quotewhen I choose Vendor A, from 23th-25thMarch, it returns nothing. But this vendor did have entries during this period.

I am sure you have already tested the same in your DB and seeing result? If yes, how about doing a small test in Query Studio with the same Vendor & Date Range to ensure there is DATA?

Title: Re: Date Prompt not working properly
Post by: mayocraze on 11 Apr 2011 09:15:58 PM
Just tried in query studio. It's getting data...and I tried change the time prompt filter to "[Invoice Files].[Invoice Header].[Invoice Date - Converted] between ?InvoiceDate1? and ?InvoiceDate2?", but it's still not working...
Title: Re: Date Prompt not working properly
Post by: PRIT AMRIT on 11 Apr 2011 09:28:12 PM
What is the Data type of your date field?
What are the other dimensions you have other than Vendor? If you have other dimensions, then did you consider those dimensions when you tested in Query Studio?

If yes, now create a simple report with Vendor, other dimensions if you have, Date, Measure. Filter the report with the particular vendor you don't see the data for. Now you should be seeing all the dates?