When I change the horizontal alignment setting of a list table to 'Left', 'Center', or 'Right', the result's correct. However, if I set the horizontal alignment to 'Justify', there's nothing changed.
Why? :o
Justify only works with HTML output....I believe it justifies alignment based on both left and right margins...
Thanks for your reply, ShwetalM
But my report output is HTML format..... :'(
Would anyone share one successful 'Justify' report sample for me?
Since I could not find any.
Maybe 'Justify' never works in Cognos... Is that possible?
I tried to use Cognos sample package,GO SALES, to build a crosstab report and set the horizontal alignment property to 'Justify'.
There's nothing happen either. It's so weired.
wow seems like such a simple question but I've never really thought about it because I have rarely used font and text properties beyond font size and setting white space to no wrap :o
maybe it left justifies instead of right justify?