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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS Connection => Topic started by: xlstnewbie on 10 Apr 2011 11:17:48 AM

Title: How to hide the "Portal Tabs" Tab in the My Preference Popup
Post by: xlstnewbie on 10 Apr 2011 11:17:48 AM

We are using Cognos 8.4 and have a need to hide the "Portal Tabs" Tab in the My Preference Popup. I modified the Tabs definition (df:personalizeTabs) in templates\ps\logicsheets\presentation\dialog\framework.xls, but it didn't take effect.

Furthermore, I renamed the framework.xls to framework.xls.orig, and the server started fine. It seemed it totally ignored this file.I even renamed the entire dialog folder, and got the same result. However, when I renamed the \ps\logicsheets\presentation\main folder, it caused trouble.  It looks like the server is using files in the main folder, but not in the dialog folder.

I also played with files in \templates\ps\portal\preferences, and it was the same: the server totally ignored my changes.

Any clue? How do I force the server to pick up my changes for the preference popups?


Title: Re: How to hide the "Portal Tabs" Tab in the My Preference Popup
Post by: AussiePete2011 on 02 May 2011 06:18:48 PM
Hi there

Can I ask why you want to do this.  If you have setup AUthorization correctly then only those portal pages that are accessible by the user account will be able to be added.

Peter B