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IBM Cognos Express => IBM Cognos Express => Topic started by: JGirl on 05 Apr 2011 09:18:52 PM

Title: Cognos Express Manager Users vs Cognos Connection Admin
Post by: JGirl on 05 Apr 2011 09:18:52 PM
Hi All,
I've used Cognos (enterprise versions) for a number of years now & am quite familiar with the product.  But I've just started my first Cognos Express gig and am struggling with some key concepts.

In 'Cognos Express Manager', there is a user management tab that lets you create new accounts, and map Cognos roles and groups to those roles.

But - what happens if you want to use Active Directory for logon?  Do you bypass Cognos Express Manager and map AD users to roles in the Cognos namespace via Cognos Connection Administration (just like you would in the 'normal' cognos versions?  Do you not use manager to create users at all (Except the administrators) if you want to use AD user accounts?

Title: Re: Cognos Express Manager Users vs Cognos Connection Admin
Post by: AussiePete2011 on 05 Apr 2011 10:39:17 PM

There's a bit of work ahead of you so good luck
Peter B