My database contain following types of data
Reason airlines Date
Delay Air India 04/04/2011
Cancel polynasia 05/04/2011
Delay Singapur 05/04/2011
Delay Air India 05/04/2011
Cancel polynasia 05/04/2011
Delay Singapur 06/04/2011
I want to know how to count the delay & cancel reason airline wise. In frame work manager level or report studio level. so that I can create the following type of report
Operation Date. 05/04/2011
Flights Air India Poly Singapur
Delay 1 0 1
Cancel 0 2 0
Select count(reason),Airlines,date from table1 group by Airlines,date
Create a dataitem with following expression count(reason)
is it possibule in FM
Yes why not.create a queryitem in the model querysubject with this calculation.
thanks its work
I want to filter Air India & singapur
I write query like column name ('Air India' 'singapur' )but it give some error. Can you please tell me the write syntax.
It should be: [Column Name] in ('Air India' , 'singapur' )
thanks a lot, its working