My database contain following types of data
Reason airlines Date
Delay Air India 04/04/2011
Cancel polynasia 05/04/2011
Delay Singapur 05/04/2011
Delay Air India 05/04/2011
Cancel polynasia 05/04/2011
Delay Singapur 06/04/2011
I want to know how to count the delay & cancel reason airline wise. In frame work manager level or report studio level. so that I can create the following type of report
Operation Date. 05/04/2011
Flights Air India Poly Singapur
Delay 1 0 1
Cancel 0 2 0
It depends on what is the uniqueness of the data.
If you have only one record for each of those rows then add a Query Calculation called
'Count' and just put 1 there.
In the Report, use a Crosstab, put Reason in the Rows and Airlines in the column and Count
in the measure.
If the data is not unique for the set you have shown then use Select Count distinct .