Have seen this:
I have worked with Cognos Support to make sure security is setup properly. We have a decentralized planning environment, here, in terms of the groups and users. There are roughly 10 groups and roughly 100 Contributor applications/packages in Cognos 8.4.1.
I administer the entire environment (DEV, QA, and PROD), but the different departments are responsible for their own Contributor applications, libraries, etc. I have security setup such that they can see their own content and no one else's. In order to do this, the "power users" from each dept cannot be a part of the PRA but they do have rights assigned in Analyst and the CAC so that they can access their own content, etc.
Here's the problem:
A power user has GTP'ed an application several times but still cannot see the application in the portal. I can see it, as the administrator. When I look at the permissions on the package, I do not see the full list of groups/roles (or any updates from the user's GTP).
Is there really no way for a power user to GTP an application without having PRA? If this is the case, this is an extreme limitation in the newer version of the software that wreaks havoc on how we use the tool, here. We are in no way staffed up to manage all content centrally, nor can we support the kind of hours that the business needs to make changes.
Hey Jeff,
Looks like you linked the same TN twice.. not sure what the other note refers to..
Just a quick thought: In the CAC for this specific application; Development -> Application Maintenance -> Go To Production Options: Is the 'Overwrite the package access rights at the next Go To Production' checked or unchecked? If unchecked then I would suspect this is your problem.
Yeah, sorry about that Eric. I discovered the problem, late Friday. I need to have the security on the folder and the package in the portal set to just the groups that need to modify the package with all 5 security rights and the group for the users with just the 3 security rights (maybe not Write and not Policy, as I recall). I should not see all the security that comes from the Rights in the Development folder in the CAC. Making this change cleared everything right up...
Let me know if this is not clear.